by Kindred Hurtado
College of Charleston students live multifaceted lives. They have jobs, internships, play sports, participate in Greek Life, and some are even social media influencers. The question is how they manage their everyday lives and try to excel in school with the hope of graduating.
Through several interviews, these CofC students give an insider's perspective on what it takes to excel academically and in their personal lives.
Tanner Bates is a prime example of a college student trying to maintain good grades while working a part-time job.
During her junior year, she got really overwhelmed.
“I just had to take a step back and be like, okay, you're here for school, and work cannot come first, so I just kind of took a step back and figured it out," said Bates.
Kaila Andrews, a full-time CofC student, has an internship and says it helps to be up front with her employer about schoolwork and the need to take time off.
"I just took off a day and three weeks to study for finals, and they were very accommodating about that," Andrews said.